
As easy as candy, errr…, pie
So much more than just candy in a jar, Bonbon Remède, the candy cure, brings joy and comfort to lovers, worriers, masqueraders and brides and grooms to be.
Our candies reflect your needs, be they personal, corporate or festive. Bonbon Remède will put a big grin on the faces of your colleagues, spouse, family or neighbours. We deliver personalized service, making shopping user friendly and fun. Candies have never been so delicious or popular with the people in your life.
A personalized option: it’s a piece of candy, errr…, cake

the classics!

Choose the phrase that will inject some joy into your day!
a dose of inspiration
you can do it
for a rainy day
a smile a day
the morning after the night before
a dose of pleasure
ready to stay up late
a burst of joy
spread a bit of joy
bait for Santa’s elves
Valentine’s Day is all about love
a little love wanted
to make the pleasure last
Yes, I do!
your very own personalized phrase!